
Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

Diabetes and eating fruit go together?

Diabetes is one of the most current generation concern that traffickers may be diverting diseases. Although some may not have diabetes, cancer and brain damage, is indeed a frightening to have a serious condition that can affect a life completely. This, therefore, those who suffer from diabetes may not be very careful to change their lifestyle to the symptoms of the disease only. Some people go even very careful that should leave a lot of things, like eating sweet foods. However, as not all of them. Diabetics can take more pleasure in certain foodstuffs bearing their sweet cravings. One way to do this to eat the fruit of the sweet gift of mother nature.

Eating fruit may tend to be good people, because the fruit is a large number of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients, which offer many health benefits. Diabetics may, however, concerned as if the fruits of their blood sugar level increase or not. Rapid response is a simple "Yes". Fruits, such as the food that contains sugar, add one of blood sugar. Furthermore, the increase in blood sugar and fruit and other types of fast food with the same amount of sugar. But this means that the diabetic patient to avoid eating the fruit in the same way as to avoid the candy? Completely.

The fruit is not a good am diabetic or another person. Many advantages, which give the fruit is very important. Desserts, sweets and other food products containing sugar, compared to the calories provided by fruit are not empty. Add to this, most of the sugar content of fruit is high as food, sugar laded, eat this Apple device will not increase blood sugar, like eating chocolate cake. The key to this is the control. Of course, we expect an increase in blood sugar is high after eating the basket of grapes feeding on fruit, but a large number of session? The truth is that the amount of one to eat more fruit as just because they meet faster than sugary snack.

Individuals are also not create one. A response to the kind of food can be different from the second answer. Thus, the two bananas for a significant increase in blood sugar, a person can take, but another guy growth can happen only after eating a banana. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the diabetic patient to learn how the Agency is eaten of the fruit. This can be done following the blood sugar levels.

When one of the levels of sugar, it is important to be honest one consumes, the place of dimensions. Apple may be too large, the place of secondment is the only, therefore, it is important to evaluate honestly, whatever is decided. One is the test of blood sugar, an hour after eating fruit or two to see how high or low blood glucose in fruit is increased. Control is very important to know how the House take fruit. When the fruits of one glucose levels in the understanding may, the report is very good information on how little or how much should be the fruit of doses.

Diabetics can really eats fruits and eat fruit can be a great way to meet with the extraction of the body, but also to manage your sweet cravings. Knowing that the body reacts with a fruit-consume, be sure you know how, one of the best to enjoy the fruits of life, one of the good.

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